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How many of you have had the pleasure of camping out under the stars, hiking, kayaking or building a fire and listening to it crackle?  If not as a Scout, then quite possibly while in the military. Many of you, I'm sure.  I'm sure it was a rewarding and life changing experience. 

Unfortunately, there is an alarming number of kids that have never experienced the excitement of learning to "rough it".  Many families are not able to afford the associated cost of training and buying and maintaining the required gear that comes along with it. 

In recent times there has been a lot of negative publicity concerning youth organizations and its leadership. It seems our kids are running out of opportunities for positive reinforcement, and personal growth and development. 

Well, we have another choice. Join our Troop Hard Charger.

Similar to the Scouts, only much tougher and more comprehensive. Our participants are Males and Females ages 8 through 14. They have a desire for the outdoors, physical fitness, discipline and personal growth.  Children of military families have been our leading number of participants thus far. However, it is open to anyone desiring to challenge themselves.

Troop Hard Charger is NOT AT ALL EASY! It is designed to push the participant beyond their comfort zone and learn to trust and believe in oneself. We do not promise you a rose garden! We do, however, promise that you will become stronger physically, mentally and emotionally if you only try.  

It is administered by veterans utilizing a military style discipline and physical training. NOTHING IS GIVEN AWAY HERE. Everything is well earned and rewarded. 

Hard Chargers will learn camping/survival, first aid, hunting/fishing, marksmanship, martial arts, basic trade skills (i.e., carpentry, electrical, welding, auto maintenance, etc.). Land navigation, athletics, financial literacy and much more essential life skills. 

They will be issued uniforms and gear that they are expected to maintain to certain standards while a member of the troop. Just like being in the military, they will learn accountability.

Our troop meets twice a week. During this time, they will always be actively participating in periods of instruction and personal growth experiences as well as camaraderie.

Hard Chargers will be exposed to a strict discipline and self-respect. They will be introduced to places, things and knowledge they may have never seen before. Our philosophy is to teach the children, so we won't have to teach the adults.

The Sheepdog Foundation will offer this essential program at a very affordable cost to a limited number of candidates, so register soon. 

Enrollment is now open! 



For further information, please feel free to utilize our contact form page or email us at 


Hard Chargers "Carpe Futurum" (seize your destiny)


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